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Our Story

Cosmix Interstellar Designs was founded in February of 2025 by Joseph VanCaeneghem, Better known as 'Prince' Luminos Cosmix.

It all started with a DREAM. Well... Sorta. It's a long story... 

I never graduated high school. Life had... other plans for my destiny. In 2013, sometime in the beginning of my junior year, my mother had been battling a terrible addiction for nearly a decade. Fearful for the worst outcome, I began losing focus on my studies, spent more and more time visiting her until one day she proposed I move in with her and transfer school districts. As any mommy's boy would, I jumped at the opportunity to do so... So much so that I never really said goodbye to anyone there, it all happened the same day she asked, so to anyone that I got disconnected from at that time, I'm so sorry, and I'd love to reconnect! Anyways... I hated my new school, no friends, the curriculum seemed backwards comparatively, so, I transferred to an online school instead. Finished the program in two weeks flat! Got an email saying congratulations your diploma is on the way, and rejoiced at finishing high school early. Well.... that school was fraudulant (Go figure with the two week finish time, first red flag there...). SO YEAH... I NEVER GRADUATED HIGH SCHOOL. OOPS. . . still yet to get my G.E.D.... STAY IN SCHOOL KIDS!                 ... So what next?

I did what I believe most prideful teens would do, I got a job, started modeling, making connections, and exploring what the world had hidden in Detroit and the surrounding cities nightlife. 

This led to a world of new experiences... Some good, Some, not so good. By the age of Nineteen I was the life of the party most places I went, no really! I was living life like a rockstar, just, y'know, without the money, or a fancy car, or any discernable talents..... I mean I can dance pretty well...... which is how I landed my life altering gig--- Go-Go Dancing at Gigi's Gay Bar in Detroit. I was fairly intoxicated when it happened but basically, I jokingly told my friend I wondered what being a Go-Go boy was like.. and well one thing led to another and next thing I know I'm dancing to Toxic by Britney Spears on stage under the name "Prince". Yup. That's how it started. When they asked me for a name a Prince song was playing so I panicked and now it's my alter-identity of sorts. More of an alias but EVERYONE knows me by "Prince" not "Joey" which if i'm being honest, is the way I prefer it. Everything we go through adds to our character. I only worked there maybe a few months, but it was an experience I'll never forget, and am proud to say happened. Life throws curveballs, lean into them! 

So where did the names Luminos and more importantly Cosmix come from?

So glad you asked! As a longtime fan of shows like 'Sailor Moon' and 'Sword Art Online' I've always wanted to build a world entirely out of scratch. I played a lot of 'Dungeons and Dragons' so creating a name to go with 'Prince' was relatively simple. I mean, I needed a name to complete the title, right? "'Prince' isn't a name I thought, it's a title... I need a name... Hmm." I'm a Cancerian, so Luminos is a reference to my zodiac, and love for the moon. Cosmix is really just my obsession with all things space, galaxy, cosmos, the universe and all the star matter... oh and 'Sailor Moon's -Moon Cosmic Power-' was probably part of it too. Basically, I put an X on the end of Cosmic. Simple, easy, efficient, and I loved it.

"I'm a Cosmic Moonlight Prince, destined to leave his mark on this universe!"

OOOOKAAAYYYYY.... But that doesn't explain this store...

I was getting to that..... PATIENCE!! Rofl 

Picking up where we left off... Life was the show and I was the main character.

Okay, no, not really. The world clearly doesn't revolve around me, but hell at this time in my life it may as well have! For several years, I was the STAR, the FASHIONISTA, the /cool\ kid that never took off his crown. I wore it EVERYWHERE. Literally, EVERYWHERE. I wore it to work, to the club, to the grocery store, and just about anywhere that would let me, so, generally, all day, everyday. It may seem silly, but hey, it got me attention, and my do I love attention! Well.... to be honest, It got me lots of bad attention too.. I was humiliated, ridiculed, laughed at, ganged up on, and just... Why are people so cruel..? ...Nah, I loved every second of it. The good well outwayed the bad, the memories I made wearing the crown are memories I never wanna forget. But yeah, I'm the kid who always wears a crown.. or would, if the thing didn't cause my skull to slightly indent/deform from digging into my head all the time. SERIOUSLY, did this kinda thing happen to all royals of the past? UGH, well, anyways.. that's beside the point, the point is DO WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY, REGARDLESS OF WHAT OTHERS SAY OR THINK OF YOU.

To be continued...